How Long Is This Going To Take Before I Have A Clutter Free Home?

Posted on 1 CommentPosted in Chaos, Clutter, Declutter, Flying with Fibromyalgia, Habits, The Flylady

I probably hear this question the most in my group.  In fact I have asked the same question myself.WHICH ANSWER DO YOU WANT?There is probably two answers to this question.  Well, I am going to deal with two because the longer I am around using Flylady lessons and creating them to fit my needs, the simpler […]

How Long Is This Going To Take Before I Have A Clutter Free Home?

Posted on 1 CommentPosted in Chaos, Clutter, Declutter, Flying with Fibromyalgia, Habits, The Flylady

I probably hear this question the most in my group.  In fact I have asked the same question myself.WHICH ANSWER DO YOU WANT?There is probably two answers to this question.  Well, I am going to deal with two because the longer I am around using Flylady lessons and creating them to fit my needs, the simpler […]