BabyStep Pledge Body Clutter Release Contract #2

Posted on Posted in Flying with Fibromyalgia, The Flylady

I have decided to take each step of eleven of the Body Clutter Release Contract and write about what it means to me.  I have already written about the first step.  Now comes the second one.

2.   I make a commitment to forgive myself for the Body Clutter I have collected.  I will not look back in disgust, but only forward to the new changes in my way of living celebrating each new day.

I decided I was going to look at this as an adventure and to make it fun.  So what did I do?  I bought myself a new pair of jeans and a knit top!  But why??  I want to lose weight.  Why don’t I just wait?  I have done this so many times in my years of weight issues.  I never realized how much I was actually punishing myself.  Not only was I cutting back and watching what I ate, I was wearing clothes that don’t fit.  Yes, clothes that don’t fit.  How does that make me feel?  It made me feel even fatter and this is where I believe one should turn it around.

Why not buy something today that fits and makes you feel beautiful?  Don’t look at the size.  I am not giving myself permission to get heavier.  I am giving myself permission to enjoy the process!  We have to be in the moment in order for it to work!  Why do you suppose the magazines are filled with this new diet and that one?  They are trying to get you to buy their magazine and they know how to prey on us when we are weak.  I remember how compulsive I could get at buying all the magazines with the latest diet only to get confused, clutter up my home and have less money to spend on healthy eating.  Wouldn’t you rather have a starting point in this adventure by buying something that will make you feel better today that has purpose to it rather than a magazine piling up your end table?

Maybe it isn’t clothes for you.  Maybe it will be buying vitamins, more fruits and vegetables, leaner meat.  I have done all of that and I am still commited to this.  It is like habits I have developed.  I just wanted to try this approach.  I am not wasting money by buying one outfit that fits and feels great.  My number of pounds I want to lose will take up to the summer to accomplish it.

My entire approach to this must be age appropriate too.  Let’s face it.  The process is going to take longer because we are not going to be starving ourselves like we used to think we had to because the models do.  I would like to think I have gained some wisdom and reality for myself.

Will this approach work?  I know of all the approaches that don’t work and I bet you do too.  I am forgiving myself for this Body Clutter I have collected.  I know what I have been eating these past few months.  I have been concentrating on getting dressed to shoes everyday.  Wait a minute!  Maybe that is why it has been such a challenge!  I have never had at least 3 outfits that I felt good in until now!  And when one thinks about it, wouldn’t you rather have clothes that may be a little big in a month than wearing all those tight uncomfortable ones now?  I will keep you posted!  I feel I am looking forward to the new changes in my way of living, celebrating each new day by building my habits “The Flylady Way!”
Keep Flying!

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