Nine Clutter-Free Tips For The New Year!

Posted on Posted in Clutter, Dance Till You FLY! mw System, fibromyalgia, Holidays, Marilyns Way, The Flylady Way Marilyn's Way Home/Garden, The Scoop

By now I am sure you are guessing my favorite number seems to be nine simply because it can be broken down into three and the outcome of the three categories are three things.  So maybe I like three.  Here is a list of nine ways to have things and not feel like living in a cluttered house.

One:  Declutter Every Day
No matter how big or small always remember to declutter daily.  It keeps you in the habit.  We are always going to have the need to declutter as long as something comes into our home, something has to go out. Period.

Two:  Do The Scoop And Cha Cha Cha!
When you are decluttering start with the least emotional things in the easiest room you have in your home.  It will give you instant gratification.  Who doesn’t need that?  I know I do!

Three:  Group Similar Objects Together
One of the greatest places to do this is in your kitchen.  The other place is your bathroom.  In the kitchen I have one drawer for the utensils I use every day.  In the bathroom I have my toiletries from left to right as to what I use first after I get out of the shower.

Four:   Hit Delete
One thing that gives many of us stress is the ‘Virtual Clutter’.  Especially when we miss something important that was personal in running your life.  Delete, delete, delete.  Schedule a time.  Think twice or maybe three times the reasoning why you want to subscribe to a newsletter.

Five:   Hold The Regular Mail That Comes In
Direct marketers love to fill your mailbox with all sorts of things.  I have a pile of that myself right now and I am not liking it.  I recently found two mail-regulating services from these sites 41 Pounds and Catalog Choice.  Check them out and see if they can help you.

Six:   Stay In The Clear
Store dry foods like rice, pasta, and cereal, and toiletries like cotton balls, Q-Tips, and bandages in clear containers so you can take a quick inventory check as you are writing out your grocery and household list.  It saves time and money.

Seven:   Limit Yourself
Put a specific number cap on things that you need to save.  For example nine rubber bands and plastic grocery bags.  Limit your stack of magazines and newspapers to 9 inches.  This is how one can keep one in the maintenance mode.

Eight:   Check Your Closet
It is a fact that we wear 20% of our clothing 80% of the time.  Get rid of stained clothing, things that are in question.  Someone will indeed love these things.

Nine:   Shop Selectively
Always work off of a list of what you need.  Recently I had to put side blind folders on when I walked by the Christmas decorations 50-70% off.  I needed a new under the cabinet light over my sink.  I didn’t like the price since the one I had partly worked but am getting rid of in case it has an electrical shortage problem.  I could have easily gotten carried away and spent the same amount on reduced Christmas clearance items that when I came home wouldn’t be able to use them until next year.  My light however just needed to be installed and I am enjoying it as I have listed nine clutter-free tips.  Happy New Year!

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