First Ripened Tomatoes Of The Season Always Makes Me Happy!

Posted on Posted in Garden, Gardening, Home, Marilyns Way, Nutrition, Simplified Flylady, Tomatoes, Uncategorized

You would think this Monday is simply like every other Monday but not today!  I went out to my garden to pick more green beans.  I stayed focused and got them picked.  I knew I would also need to pick the cucumbers and so I did that as well.

Then it happened!  Out of the corner of my eye I saw the color red.  It took me a moment for color of red to register in my mind that the red was in fact a group of ripened cherry tomatoes!

Ripe tomatoes blog photowatermarkedCherry Tomatoes

Dance Like No One Is Watching

And that is exactly what I did!  There is something about seeing the first ripened red tomato.  It always makes me happy.

Then I picked them.  I looked at one of them, wiped it off  with my shirt and popped it into my mouth!  There is nothing that tastes better than a home grown tomato.

BLT – Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato Sandwiches Are In The Near Future

I decided to take a closer look at my tomatoes called ‘Celebrity’.  The majority of them are still green, but there are two that are beginning to turn red.  I better write down bacon on my grocery list because it is coming soon!

celebritytomatoblogCelebrity Tomatoes

Find Some Joy In Your Day!

If you are a gardener like I am, you will know of the excitement I feel when the first tomato ripens.  Don’t stop there.  Nature is all around us and make a point to look around.  Find something that will fill you with joy like I experienced today!  Maybe it is a butterfly, a hummingbird, the mum plants that are flooding the stores, the flowers that are blooming around you.  Then, dance like no one is watching!

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2 thoughts on “First Ripened Tomatoes Of The Season Always Makes Me Happy!

  1. Congratulations on your first red tomatoes! I know exactly how you feel…a quick swipe on the shirt sleeve and bite! Mmmm……….

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