Donation/Giveaway Box Oh My!

Posted on Posted in Cha Cha Cha, Cleaning, Clutter, Dance Till You FLY! mw System, Declutter, decluttering, fibromyalgia, Flylady Simplified, Organization, Routines, Simplified Flylady, Zones

Every home has trash cans in multiple places in the home. We do it to make our lives easier. In fact if we recycle, chances are there is a recycling center set up in the home.

So why don’t we have a Donation/Giveaway Box located somewhere in our home? One of the rules to keep our homes free of clutter is if we bring in something new, naturally something old must go out. And yet we don’t do it. Could it be as simple as having a Donation/Giveaway Box located in let’s say our laundry room?

In my Marilyn’s Way Secret Group January is devoted to the 31 Day Cha Cha Cha Event! It involves throwing away, giving away and putting away  items in our home. When we do sessions of decluttering it is best to have three boxes set up for the task + a timer.

Then there is the time when as you go about your day, you may run into something that you wonder why you bought it and the thought “I need to get rid of this.” thought comes to play. Problem is we won’t act on it because we haven’t created a place to put those items like we do with a trash can. When trash cans are full, naturally they go outside for garbage pick up.

Clock for Marilyns Way Its Challenge Timename4

What is the challenge? It is to stop what you are doing and find a box or a tote and put a sign on it that says Donations/Give Away and place it in your Laundry Room. Next time you find something that you can give away, put it in the box and when the box gets full put it in your car and take it with you to drop off during your next Doo Wop Errand Day! It really is that simple.


If you like what you just read, Please Share! If you would like to become a member of my secret Facebook group Marilyn’s Way where we talk about getting rid of clutter and CHAOS from our home send me a friend request at and I will add you to the group!

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