Blogs, Pages, Groups, Oh My!

Posted on Posted in Chaos, Clutter, Declutter, The Flylady, The Flylady Way Marilyn's Way Home/Garden

When I got involved in Facebook, never in my dreams I would have all of this!  Yes, I am the one that did a “Photo Mini Blog” Getting Dressed To Shoes, Hair, and Makeup 436 Consecutive Days Publicly.  Privately I still do this although it was only meant to be a 31 Day March Habit.  Since then I have learned so much using Flylady Lessons and taken them to work for me sharing with you.  I have been deeply committed in helping anyone who wants help through my closed groups away from family, friends and employers.

Instead of writing the same thing over and over to you all in the personal comments section, I have been writing blogs by trying to cover what seems to be the problems you all are having that day.  I thought this would be a good solution so you could read my blogs and maybe learn something from them.  This all takes time and I don’t have a problem with it if it is being effective.  My problem is that the only way I know if I am being effective and that you are reading what I have to say is by clicking the little blue button that says “Like” followed by “Comment” and finally “Follow Post”

Thank you to all that take the time to not only click the “Like” button but actually take the time to “Comment”  Some days this may be my only way to communicate with you.

Did you know there is even a section to the right of the blog that lists the “Top 10 Posts” making it even easier to find answers to you questions easily.

The purpose of this blog is to find out if you really are reading my blogs or if I would be better off spending my time in other ways.  I think my answer will be by the number of “Likes” I get and also the “Comments.”

Dance Till You FLY!

9 thoughts on “Blogs, Pages, Groups, Oh My!

  1. Dear Marilyn,
    I sense a sad note to the start of the new year? Let me tell you my personal view: I love your entries, be it on fb or your blogs. Yes, I am guilty of not commenting much on them though. But i do find them a big help. I have never sent links to anyone, flylady or yours, preferring to give a practical answer to their query. But now I know how you feel about it, I surely will, especially to newcomers. But remember, Marilyn, appreciation comes in many ways. All members of your FB pages log in eagerly daily, it is an outlet for all of us. The membership is increasing, that is proof we love you! It is good though, that you made us see your viewpoint today…I'm sure all us flysisters will make it a point to link your blogs more often now….but just remember that they meant no offence by not doing it before. Lots of love and hugs, and wishing you a wonderful 2013 <3

  2. Gauri has expressed my feelings much better than I could! I rarely "link", and I'm still on a fairly steep learning curve as far as fb and blogs are concerned. I do occasionally comment – if I can get past the "code" typing in which is a pain to read if you have eyesight problems and impossible to listen to! – and I check your blog most days to see if you have written something new. There is almost always something of value to me, and mostly if there isn't, it's because I'm not in North America!
    Please keep on writing and encouraging us and be assured you are valued
    Best wishes for 2013

  3. Marilyn, I read this blog and rarely comment, never link to anyone and usually like most post's. You do wonderful work, please continue. I agree with Gauri & Jenny. I enjoy the quotes, most give me motivation to get something done. I don't understand all this blogging stuff just like Jenny, but I love reading your post's. Thank You for helping me to FLY!

  4. Many of my thoughts are reflected in the comments above. I find you very "relatable" and do so appreciate your efforts. I don't usually comment, just because I figure you get swamped with comments in general and I am sure it is a lot to keep up with. I wish I had 1/2 your gumption ~ just haven't found my new niche yet I guess. Please keep up the great work – but remember you have to do it for yourself as much as anyone else, or it becomes a chore.

  5. This is my first comment. Agreeing with the above reasons I can add one more. If someone has found your blog and found it interesting/helpful my expectation is they would read more pages of your blog first. In my case I read every post you made when I found your blog. I haven't joined your FB as I really have problems with the idea of FB having all of my info and the potential of the world having easy access to even more about me than is already out there. I subscribe by email.

    Keep on blogging!

  6. Though I am sad you feel this way one has to wonder are you doing this for yourself or because you want recognition. I know your refer everyone back to FlyLady and t that is wonderful. Maybe your time would be better spent just directing them back to Flylady's blogs on certain things. Since you say this is very time consuming for you. As for people advertising other blogs and pages. This should not be allowed in your groups without permission. However sharing other blogs that differ from your opinion may be how that person has dealt with a current readers problem. I am sure no one was trying to offend you. However since reading this I am beginning to thing you are not appreciating your members opinions and suggestions. Almost like you feel there is only one way to do things when we all know there are several ways. Make sure to make time for you. If it is not doing these blogs maybe there is some other hobby you can take up. I wish you well in whatever you decide to do.

  7. Sorry it took me so long to see this. Ever since i joined your groups it has all been about support and I have loved your pages for that. So, I just have one question. Why did you let this fester for a whole year??? All you would have had to do is say " hey guys, I'd appreciate more likes and referals to my blog." Im sure the response would have been a positive one.

  8. Mariyln, I wish I could link, however, with the device I have. I can not do it. Do love your blog. Was in the hospital due to a stroke and my new dr. finally diagnosed me with fibro.. Now I know for the last 40 years the pain that I was suffering with was Not In My Head. LOL! Hugs Dear Friend. tj

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