Canning Green Beans

Posted on Posted in FLY, Flylady Simplified, Gardening, Habits, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, organize, pantry, pressure canning, Simplified Flylady, Uncategorized

I have been fortunate to have a high yield with my green beans from the garden. I did plant a second crop thinking the first one would be gone but it still kept producing.

Time to pull out the pressure cooker again and see how many pints I can process. But first I must prepare the green beans. I start by snapping the ends off.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 011 Wash them in the sink.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 014 Cut the green beans up approximately half inch each and place into the jar.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 021 Scald the lids to ensure a proper seal to the jar.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 023Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and hot water. Fill to half inch from top. Place scalded lid on jar.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 024 Screw the ring on and tighten.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 025 Place the jars in heated hot water. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to keep the jars clean on the outside.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 027 Place the lid on.

flowers lily and trixie canning green beans 028Lock the lid and place the weight where it says 10 pounds pressure. Begin timing when the weight begins to jiggle. Allow 20 minutes to pressure cook.

pressure cooker 001Remove from burner and allow to cool 30 – 45 minutes before removing the weight and opening the lid.

baking 009Remove the jars from the pressure cooker and allow to cool. Date them if you like. These green beans are going to taste mighty good in the depths of the coming winter. The greatest part is no jars cracked and nothing exploded! These are things that a perfectionist will be afraid of and procrastinate canning the green beans at all. I am glad I have learned Progress is more important than Perfection.


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