Day 8 Of The Greatest Paper Clutter Eliminator Game!

Posted on Posted in Chaos, Disorganization, Flying with Fibromyalgia, Marilyns Way, Organization, Paper Clutter, Paperwork, The Flylady

Have you been blocking some time in your day to rid yourself of the paper clutter monster?  Flylady suggests 15 minutes a day. There is still time.

It is week 2 of this game that I made for myself.  That is how bad I want this stuff out of here!  There are some other things I want to do in life and I am finally realizing that the paper clutter of yesteryear must first be dealt with.

If it was just paper clutter, there would be no trouble getting rid of it.  But that simply is not the case.  It seems there is always something attached to it.  I am finding the last of my paper clutter is emotional clutter as well not even realizing it was emotional clutter until it was pointed out to me.

Yesterday I spent a good amount of paper decluttering.  Being a SHE I have to make sure I am keeping up with the rest of my habits and routines.  I am pretty much doing the basics.  My house I would say is an hour away from being company ready.  That is the longest I would say since I have been actively running my closed groups of almost 2 years.  Last year in October I did some paper clutter but nothing like I am doing this year.

I am not going to lie.  This is a very messy job!  Well you all know what I mean.  When you have paper clutter laying here and there, your home will look messy.  I am saying to you right now my home looks messy.  Well, I have to take some of that back.  It is my kitchen that is messy and that is where I am doing all my shredding as my desk and computer are located in the center of my house.  I sweep the shreds 3 times a day it seems.

Remember when I told you if you had lots of paper to shred, buy the most expensive shredder you can afford.  Mine has jammed about 5 times.  It is also important to oil the shredder.  You know how paper dries out hands, well it will with your paper shredder as well.

The Main Thing That I Have Noticed In My Paper Clutter Eliminator Game
The THICKNESS of the PAPER!!  Bank Statements and old bills.  Even the older the checks the thicker they are.  So what I am saying to you, if your paper shredder says maximum 6 sheets like mine does?  Don’t believe it!  You will jam your shredder!  The maximum number is for the weight of todays paper. I just got done with more bank statements and usually I was putting two to three sheets in there to shred.  So I don’t jam again, I am just putting in one sheet.  That is how thick the paper is.  So this is something to keep in mind especially if you are shredding papers from 10 to 15 years ago like I am, it is best to do one paper at a time with bank statements.
How Long Should One Keep Some Of This Paper????
Isn’t that always the question?  Because I am not an expert I feel it is not my place to tell you.  I will however give you this link that easily was explained to me.  How Long To Keep Tax Returns?  Go to this link and let them explain it to you because it also explains the reasoning behind it.  It is an easy read and worth it.
What Does Your Paper Clutter Monster Look Like?
I am going to show you mine!  A fellow flysister sent this to me and I thought YES this is what my Paper Clutter Monster looks like!  He has been in the dark hiding in some boxes and filing drawers.  This was the year that I felt it was time to kick him out with the dust bunnies.  At first he was horrifying!  A week into this he is getting hungry because I haven’t fed him anything.  I know that is the trick.  But be careful!  Once he knows he can’t stay here any longer, be aware that the paper clutter monster may think he can take up residency in your home!  I suggest you get started with some form of paper clutter elimintator game for yourself.  You certainly don’t want him showing up at you door to trick or treat do you?  That falls on the last day of October’s Monthly Habit and that is “Paper Clutter!”
Keep Working on Those Piles and Keep FLYing!
Don’t let him show up at your house!

One thought on “Day 8 Of The Greatest Paper Clutter Eliminator Game!

  1. I was interested in the shape of your paper clutter monster. Here's mine!

    Do you remember Tribbles from Star Trek? Cuddly and cute, and worming themselves into your affections and making you feel you can't live without them? And then "pop" there was an explosion of them, and there were dozens of them taking up lots of space and attention! Their only two purposes in life, according to the script, seemed to be to eat and to reproduce, and they performed both of these functions exceptionally well having been born pregnant. That's my "paper clutter monster" – paper clutter telling me there are so many reasons I really must keep it, and I can't possibly live without it – and consuming emotional energy, occupying space and upsetting the "ecology" of my home and life! So now I must be ruthless and restore balance and peace!

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