Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter Is Dead

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Have you ever seen this movie Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter Is Dead?  You owe yourself to watch it once.  It is an oldie, but goody about the adventures of keeping the house clean and all the things that go with it.  The mother goes on a three month vacation hiring an elderly woman as the babysitter that has a drill sergeant personality.  But when she opens the door to Kenny’s room with all the stuff teenagers have in their room at that age, it is too much for the old lady.  She goes to her room and dies in her rocking chair.

There are some great quotes in this movie pertaining to Housework I wanted to mention.  Today the movie was on and I forgot how much I laugh at it.  I guess you could call it a Friday Funny.  Here’s some quotes that would pertain to flylady

Mrs Crandall:  Sue Ellen, don’t put your dirty dishes in the sink.  Put them in the dishwasher.
Sue Ellen:   But Mom, the dishwasher is full of clean dishes!
Mrs. Crandall:  Well, empty it and put the dirty dishes in there!

[after being told to do the dishes, and using them as clay pigeons] 
Kenny Crandell: The dishes are DONE, man. 

Melissa Crandell: We have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to tidy up the garage! 

Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: One of us has to get a job.
Kenny Crandell: Well I’m not gonna.
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Well we don’t have a choice. We’ll flip for it
[takes out a fozen pizza]
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Mama Celeste face up, I go to work, Mama Celeste face down, we’re selling carnations on a freeway off ramp. 

Kenny Crandell: This place is a crock! We’re never gonna make it through the summer. Man, I’m gonna hold up at Lizard’s.
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Oh, that’s real brotherly of you Kenny. Always taking the easy way out. Don’t you have any pride?
Kenny Crandell: No.
Melissa Crandell: I got an idea. When our food runs out, we can eat Elvis.
[the dog Elvis runs out of the room

Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Did you burn something?
Kenny Crandell: Yeah, well, maybe if you’d called and told me you were gonna be, like… three-and-a-half hours late, I could’ve planned my dinner better.
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: I had to work late, OK?
Kenny Crandell: You still should’ve called. I sat and I waited. I went ahead and I fed the kids. I worked all day on that casserole.
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Sorry.
Kenny Crandell: You haven’t even said how nice the house looks. You’re off at the office all day doing interesting office things. I’m stuck here cooking and cleaning and mowing the lawn, helping Melissa with her fastball, being a role model for Zach, spending quality time with Walter, doing your party shit! You’ve got the car and you don’t even take me anywhere anymore. And when was the last time we went out to dinner together, huh? You know what, I’m sick and tired of not being appreciated!
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: I appreciate you.
Kenny Crandell: Eat shit!
[storms away]
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: I don’t believe this! I have to get up at 5:30 every morning so I can beat rush hour traffic into the city and go sit behind a desk for eight hours a day and miss Oprah Winfrey everyday on my summer vacation. And then, I get to drive home in gridlock IN A VOLVO with no air conditioning just so I can take care of you guys and put food on the damn table! It’s a rat race and it sucks, Kenny. So what do you want, a medal?
[long pause]
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Oh come on, you don’t have to do all this. I mean, I never asked you to whisk the couch.
Kenny Crandell: Well, it needed it. 

Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: [searching the house for the money] She must’ve had it on her!
Melissa Crandell: Well it’s ours! Go back and get it from the old hag!
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Oh yeah, we’ll just go down there and say ‘excuse me, we left our money on our dead baby sitter’, no way! 

Zach Crandell: It was petty cash, YOU were spending petty cash.
Sue Ellen “Swell” Crandell: Zach, I bought a pair of boots and a magazine, you bought a home entertainment center! 

Mom: Where is the babysitter? 

[standing in front of Mrs. Sturak’s unmarked grave]
Mortuary Worker: I’m gonna miss her.
Mortuary Worker: Miss her? You never even knew her! We never knew her name.
Mortuary Worker: Yeah, but she left us all that money in her clothes, right?
Mortuary Worker: I guess. Oh, well. Hey, you wanna go to Vegas again this weekend?
Mortuary Worker: Sure. You got any more money left? 

I really hope you watch this movie.  It is full of laughs and it goes to show you anyone can adapt so why not adapt The Flylady Way?
Keep Flying!

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