Emotional Clutter Verses Non-Emotional Clutter And The “Do It Now” Princple

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Paperwork Shredded Using The “Do It Now” principle

Yay!  I got some paper de-cluttered, shredded, and in the trash!  You see, I needed another three ring binder to put some information that I want to keep as a resource.  This paperwork that I want to keep for resource was taking up space in another three ring binder and making that project confusing by to staying too long like long overdue company. 

I had this brief “moment” that I was simply going to take the paperwork that no longer had value to me out of the three ring binder I needed and stuff it back in the cupboard.  It was paperwork that needed to be shredded so then I thought for a brief “moment” I would just start a shredding pile and give it the name, “I will do it later.”

What??  This is absolutely crazy!  I thought of last October how I made The Great Paper De-Clutter Event for myself and the shredder hummed all month. I believe I got rid of 13 black leaf trash bags full of shredded and non shredded paper.  Did I not learn anything from this experience?

I went from “I will do it later” to “Do It Now!” principle.  The paperwork wasn’t emotional.  It was everything from a vehicle I no longer owned.  So what was keeping me from doing it?  Time.  All I could think about was all the extra hours I put in while continuing my routines last October.  It wasn’t fun at all.  It was necessary if I wanted to move forward in my life.

What did I do then?  Did I create a pile nicely organized and out of site that was for shredding later?  Or did I use the “Do It Now” principle?  To answer your question, I did the latter.  This entire process took all but five minutes and it could have easily been two minutes.  What was I doing during the other three minutes?  I was in the world of indecision.  It is one place I hate to be the most.  It burns up so much energy that could be used elsewhere.  If you are wondering why you are tired all the time, could it be that you are in the world of indecision?  It is a world that can suck the energy right out of you.  What is indecision?  Its the two P’s.  They are called Perfectionism and Procrastination and they love to hold hands.  Do yourself a favor and end this relationship.  It may take some time but get started and don’t let them freeze you up with excuses.  This is one relationship that must end.  Start with an item of non emotional clutter and use the “Do It Now” principle.  Try it now.  I know you have something in your home that fits this category!  “Do It Now!”  Feel good about yourself for doing this and get on with the rest of your day.  It just may lead you to another feel good project to let go of!
Dance Till You FLY!

New Home For Paperwork I Want To Keep

2 thoughts on “Emotional Clutter Verses Non-Emotional Clutter And The “Do It Now” Princple

  1. This part really spoke to me:
    What is indecision? Its the two P’s. They are called Perfectionism and Procrastination and they love to hold hands. Do yourself a favor and end this relationship. It may take some time but get started and don’t let them freeze you up with excuses.
    Nailed me right on the head with that one! I have figured out where my fear comes from, just not how to get past it…. I work constantly now… I have an average of 3 client phone calls per shower, I work on scheduling while I’m on the toilet, I even found myself on a rare shopping trip with one phone open to my shopping list and the other I was scrolling thru my list of contacts to find which employees were available for the next days runs (I own a transportation company). I never have time for stuff at home and so I put it off, and it piles up. And then “cleaning” involves once every 6 weeks or so, gathering the piles into stacks and moving them from the kitchen table to my desk in the office. Now the desk looks trashed but the table is nice and clean. *sigh*
    I have a husband that is 10 yrs older than I am and diabetic, and all of my kids, who were very close in age, all moved out about the same time. I’m going thru empty nest syndrome and I think my clutter is a fear that one day I will be alone, too old to work, and will “need” this stuff to keep me occupied and keep me from focusing on how lonely I am. (I’ve always said I don’t do ‘alone’ well!)
    How do I get past this before my house ends up on the next episode of Hoarders? (No it’s not that bad but at this rate….)

  2. All of those feelings are valid. I used to use my clutter to build a wall around me I called Fort Marilyn because I was afraid to let go and end up with nothing. I suspect you are from the same generation I am and we still hear stories of the 30’s and 40’s.

    What helped me out of it was getting rid of the non emotional clutter. It gets you moving and the other is I also run a closed support group on facebook where we talk about these issues as they are very real. We can easily talk about them away from employers, friends, and family. Recently Katie Couric let us into parts of her home and her fear was getting rid of some of the things she may forget her husband who died of colon cancer. If you are interested in my group go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/MarilynsWay and ask to join. We would love to have you. I like to say my closed group is the successful closed group on facebook regarding clutter and taking care of your home and there are many delightful all women in the group.

    You sound a lot like I was when I was working. Unfortunately I got sick because of my workaholic fashion of busyness that was leading me no where.

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