Have you ever heard someone say, “I had an epiphany today!” You could also call it an “Aha Moment.” But did you know January 6, is the Day of Epiphany? I certainly did not until I went to church today. This is when the three wise men followed the light to meet baby Jesus. It is the time when the Christmas season has ended, an Epiphany started that will last until lent season begins.
What is it that we are doing? We are making resolutions and setting goals for the coming year. I realized today that none of this is going to go well unless I keep myself open to surprise and have an epiphany of my own.
We always seem to still be in a rush right after Christmas. We have to set these goals and those goals. We think it has to be done right away. If we don’t, it is oh well, maybe next year.
An epiphany is a ‘sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something…’ It is the ‘aha’ moment when long-sought understanding or clarification clicks into place is always an exciting one–often hopeful, sometimes a little scary.
So what is it that we are trying to accomplish for ourselves? Yes we want to learn how to FLY so that we can turn our houses of clutter into homes of things we love. We are all heading toward that light to make it possible.
How are we going to do this? We are going to start small. We are going to finally understand or have an ‘aha’ moment as to what a habit and a routine really is. That is grouping habits to make routines that we do the same way everyday until they become automatic.
Why isn’t it that many of us still don’t do this? Instead we go from one crisis clean to the next? Instead of doing the small habits, learning from them and taking the time to understand even if we don’t like it, it is necessary if we want a nice home. Pretty soon these habits become a routine simply by linking habits together.
Then why do we continue to fall short of this and end up feeling defeated? I guess we simply haven’t had our ‘epiphany’ or ‘aha’ moment yet. Why? Because we are so busy with the catch up business that we don’t open ourselves to possibilities and surprise.
Last year sometime during the challenge I took upon myself to get dressed to shoes hair and makeup is when it happened for me. I just concentrated on that particular habit and then other habits followed. As I got dressed to shoes, hair, and makeup, I linked other habits with this habit that linked to another habit and soon my ‘aha’ moment was, “Yes I have one routine!” Were there days of my 436 consecutive days getting dressed to shoes, hair and makeup and publicly writing a daily blog that I didn’t want to do it? Certainly!
My epiphany was that I must continue this habit for the greater good of what my goal was and that was to have a home instead of just a house with things in it.
I don’t have it all figured out yet. I am still heading toward the light and am sure I will have small ‘aha’ moments along the way. This is what FLYing is all about. So instead of constantly doing these crisis cleaning marathons, slow down and think this through how you already have some habits in place and ask yourself the question, “What other habit can I link the current habit to making things flow and keep you on the path towards the light? FLYing is a way of life. Will our homes always be company ready? No. Are we striving for ways to make it company ready? Yes. How do we do this? By developing some habits linking together each habit until it gets comfortable to link the next habit together.
Quit thinking so hard and make time for moments of openness to let the surprises come in. Once you start to have an epiphany or an ‘aha’ moment, more will come and you will get closer to the light and you will be happy because you now know the right way for you to FLY.
Dance Till You FLY!