I suppose you are wondering about the title of this blog. Well, it is a ‘Dance Till I FLY’ situation I have been dealing with since I started practicing some of FlyLady’s lessons. It is paperwork and I am determined to Dance Till I FLY with this one. It isn’t the day to day paperwork but paperwork from long ago. Please read the letter and then watch the movie. You will have a better understanding of why it is important to eat a frog a day.
Dear Frog,
I know you are cute, handsome and have a way with those legs of yours. I also know how easily you can hide amongst things and it takes a lot for you to move. You let me get really close to you but you know I am not going to do anything so you slumber with one eye open just in case.
You are one of the most frustrating relationships I have ever had! It is like a love/hate thing. Why do you make me so frustrated especially when you decide to hide among papers? In fact I see you you many times in the small piles of papers. I guess I love you so much that I just let you hang out there. After all, you are pretty cute the way you position yourself amongst my papers.
I don’t have a problem with you any other place but those darn papers. Your friends seem to be smaller in other areas of my home so they taste pretty good to eat. You on the other hand have gotten so big that I have to use sauce just to take bites off of you and I ran out of sauce.
You know, you have let yourself go and are no longer attractive to me. At this size I know you don’t taste good at all. There is no way to eliminate you but with taking small bites. So when does your sweetnes turn to sour? Can’t you just change a little bit of color so I would know?
You have gotten so smart about this, that now you are involving your small frog friends and having them surround you so I will eat them first when you KNOW you are the one that really needs to be eaten. I must admit your small frog friends to taste good. They are like dessert. The problem is I have been eating too many dessert frogs lately and not you and you are beginning to smell to put it mildly.
Well, I got a little secret myself. I got friends too! I think they may just cheer me on to get to you. You know yourself it is time to leave. So why are you being such a chicken? Are you afraid if you leave, something in the big wide world is going to eat your frog legs? I have eaten them before and you taste like chicken and fish combined.
You know, maybe that is all I have to do with you! I could just eat your legs as I have done this before and by doing that maybe then I will easily get to eat the rest of you because you couldn’t get away from me.
Yes, I have been in love with you for way too long, there are other frogs I must love. It isn’t fair to them. I am also just going to date around for awhile once you are gone as I need a break from a serious relationship with a big frog like you. We have had quite a relationship but please release me and let me start eating you!
I add this video to the letter for everyone who want’s to know more about frogs. Eat That Frog Movie Simple Truths In his book for Simple Truths, Eat That Frog!, author Brian Tracy will help you to stop procrastinating and be more effective in managing your time. The key to reaching high levels of performance and productivity is to develop the lifelong habit of tackling your major task first thing each morning.
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