Marilyn’s Way PTL Progressive Task List

Posted on Posted in Dance Till You FLY! mw System, Habits, Home, Uncategorized, Zones

This week we are going to shake things up!  That’s right.  It is time to get down to business.  You are here because you want to find a better way for you to take care of yourself, your family and your home and garden, right?

Last week I told you that Marilyn’s Way has 3 parts.  I also invited you to begin letting go of perfectionism and procrastination.  Even if you just stayed aware of the two ‘P’s’ it is a beginning.

I could give you all the information you need to know in this blog.  The problem is that it by doing it this way it won’t work.  Why?  Because it is too much information to absorb at once.

How Did I Come To This Realization?

By living it of course.  Most of you are here for a reason.  Your house is full of clutter, dishes always in the sink, laundry backed up, bills paid late  and wait ‘Where Are My Keys?’  You are so overwhelmed at this moment that you simply do not have enough room in your brain to comprehend it all.

Where Are Your Keys?

Think About It

One day when I grow up I am going to be taking care of a house full of clutter.  It is going to make me feel miserable.  I am going to spend all of my time organizing this clutter and I am going to have lots of shame because I fear the knock on the door and hearing “Are You Home?”

One More Thing

You are ‘Not Dressed To Shoes’.  You are wearing a ratty old pair of pajamas and you haven’t showered in a couple of days.  How am I doing so far?

Then Comes The Question

“Why can’t I be more like so and so.” Yes, but… and here come the excuses one right after another.  I am not even going to list any.  You know what your excuses are.  They are only affected by you, but ‘Are They Really?’

A kid will ask the other kid, why is your mom always dressed in her pajamas?  Is she sick?  Husband that works all day and comes home to the girl he fell in love with.  Doesn’t she love me anymore?  How about your friends.  “You used to be so much fun and then you got married, had a family, and a mortgage.   What happened?”

Have You Gotten Your Notebook Yet???

If you really want to get this series, I strongly recommend it.  Sure, there are all kinds of pretty print outs all over the internet.  Well we are not there yet.  We are ‘Getting The Dance Floor Ready!’  We are looking at this as a ‘Clean Slate’ in order to begin to establish habits that everyone can do and will help their day go better.

If you want to start a ‘3 Ring Binder’ you can.  I keep all of my information in my Franklin Covey Planner.  It is a classic style and easy to maneuver.   My suggestion is to simply get a journal like notebook that you will be able to section off in the future as we go along.  It wasn’t until I began to keep a notebook that contained all of my ‘Progressive Task Lists’ that I was able to dance till I FLY!  The ‘PTL’ will be introduced in due time.  Be patient and sooner than you think.

Have You Got Your Notebook Yet?

Most Importantly

Your notebook / journal must be user friendly.  It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake in it.  Cross it off and say what you mean.  Remember we are laying the foundation down and the only one that this notebook needs to make sense to is ‘You!’  Pretty forms are not where we are yet and there is a good reason in which I will reveal in due time.

Coming Up Next Week

I will go into detail what I want you to track and write in your notebook.  In the meantime, clear your mind and be ready to receive some new ways to take care of yourself, your family, and your home and garden.  See you next week!

‘Special Note’:  What have you learned so far and what things are you looking for in this series that you feel will help you?  This is my first time at this specific series and your input will be helpful.


19 thoughts on “Marilyn’s Way PTL Progressive Task List

  1. One think I have learned, that for me I like using my smart phone as my notebook. (I don’t lose it, it’s always with me, it fits in my pocket, and doubles as a timer) There is an app called “keep” that is nothing but simple notes, where I keep my lists – and use my phone calendar. I stopped carrying a purse, so my small wallet, phone and keys are all I take with me. Of course, not everyone is a Nerd like me. LOL

  2. Thanks for sharing this information. My note book I can not remember the last time I used it. My iphone have become my personal assistant. To be honest if it is not on it I promise i wont remember it. I might be age thing not sure. For practicing daily writing I might pick it up again. Hand written topic have more impact in the mind. Dance until I fly!!!

  3. Marilyn,
    I work with clients, attend professional meetings, meet with colleagues for lunch, go out for dinner often, workout at my health club. So I am not just sitting at home in PJ’s all day. But I must say that as soon as I come back home, if I do not have to go out again for awhile or meet with a client, I just love to wear loose, flowing clothing, especially as the weather in Florida gets hotter and more sticky.


    Dr. Erica

    1. So many think Dressed To Shoes is supposed to be confining and uncomfortable. With all the options of clothing out there it doesn’t have to be. All the clothes I wear must be comfortable and yes I used to sew summer cotton dresses that were loose and flowing I wore during the very hot days in Texas when I lived there. I think the most important part of this is the psychological toll it can take on a person living in PJ’s. It sets one up for the “I don’t wannas”, “I don’t matter” “hiding from life” So many simply don’t show up for their day. We as human beings need to have a beginning, middle and an end. If someone wears PJ’s all the time it makes it difficult. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. For myself I wasn’t as productive as I could have been. I know that now. Thank you for commenting.

  4. I have just started writing things down.. Ideas sometimes pop in my head.. usually when i am driving.. That’s a toughy… Maybe I need a dictaphone.. Next I am going to put a notepad next to my bed so I can pop my nuggets onto paper.

    1. Probably the most important message to this blog is that it is easier to take a notebook and section it off for various parts of the job. I always have so much swimming around in my head and by having sections for that particular subject or area it is easier to find. We are never really through our entire lists. I have some things that have been there for 2 years and not because I procrastinated. It is just something I want to do and by writing it down I don’t have constantly recall it. Once a week I got through my PTL and pick up what is time appropriate to do. I have a big yard so I have to section it off so it isn’t so overwhelming and by setting up zones it makes it easier. That is a great idea to have a notebook by your bed to capture thoughts. Thank you for commenting.

  5. Hi Marilyn, I have to admit that most of the time, I work in my “jammies.” I just feel so much more comfortable. I enjoyed reading your post, your mission is more about organizing life and decluttering and mine is organizing and decluttering the mind with writing.

    Wishing you great success. Have a wonderful day. Monna

    1. You may just be the exception to the rule because there are ones like you that can be productive. Unfortunately I am not one of them. And you are right. Most of this is directed toward stay at home mommies that would feel so much better about themselves because their job of taking care of a family is a big thing and so many times they simply forget about themselves as an individual. And I still have days I would love to be in my pjs all day. I just know for me getting dressed to shoes out weighs the benefits. Thank you for commenting.

  6. This post is really an eye-opener. So ws anothe rpost I read about a week ago about getting dressed to shoes. Now that summer is coming and I have to wear sandals or I’ll be barefoot, which isn’t good since I live with others, I realize how much mor eactive I am if I put on my sandals when leaving my room.

    1. Yes, there is something psychological that happens when you put on a pair of shoes. I am glad you are enjoying my series. I am trying to write it in such a way that you will think about the little things that can make big impacts on one’s life. So many of us simply think too hard at everything and some things are more of a doing. Thank you for commenting.

  7. I have been making an effort this week to catch up with some long neglected jobs around the house and garden and feel good at the achievement and I have written enough for 4 blog posts.Your series is getting me dancing already.

    1. That is terrific! I know I have been blogging for fun for over 3 years and now getting into the foundation to start building. Of course I want to spend all of my time with getting the blog going as fast as I can. The thing is that I have other responsibilities that need to be taken care of as well. I am learning how to do a little in each area of my life each day so I don’t have to deal with the big jobs that overwhelm me. Thank you for commenting.

  8. Hey Marilyn,
    Your blog is looking good! Good job! I have kept a journal for years and it’s the one thing that has kept me sane. I have used the same style notebook, the marbled, black and white school notebook. Sometimes I decorate the cover … but writing things down is just a part of me. Automatic … great post 🙂

    1. Yes, Lesly, I have kept a journal since I was 14 years old. Pen and paper have always been my friend. Thank you with the blog. It is presentable to where others can navigate and I will get it to be more my style as time goes on. Thank you for commenting.

  9. I have worked from home so long that I have a wardrobe full of comfy, jeans and Tshirts. Two things I do in the morning help me keep my day organized – I bathe, dress and make my bed. For years I did not make my bed because nobody could see it but me so it seemed pointless. But then I realized it made ME feel better. This was the ritual that told me I was ready to work, unlike others whose ritual was a commute to the office. Everyone comes up with what they need to do to get going.

    1. There is something about making the bed. I didn’t make it for years either and it really made the days feel like they were one big day. We need beginnings and endings and the bed is a great place to measure. My clothes are all casual as well. It is the type of life I am living now. I am just hoping to help some of the ones that live in their pajamas like I did for 5 years. It was more than just being comfortable. It was a way not to participate in life and there are many out there. Just because I am on disability doesn’t mean I can’t have a fulfilling life and participate in society. Social media platforms have opened my world and I can honestly say I write and communicate differently if I am in my pajamas compared to being dressed to shoes. THank you for commenting.

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