Now I Know Why Mt Washmore Is Growing!

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A Load of Laundry a Day Keeps Mt Washmore at Bay
Normally I have gotten into the habit of  “A Load Of Laundry A Day Keeps Mt Washmore At Bay”  This is one of Flylady sayings.  It is one that is on my daily routines I do.  I have one of those sensitive washing machines that I have to stay close by.  I have whined about it but didn’t do any good.  So what did I do?  I decided to associate laundry with my time on Facebook.  My computer is very close by.  That way, when I have to turn water on and off for various reasons I won’t get into, I can just get up out of my chair and do it and then back on Facebook. This also keeps me from the washing machine overflowing.  That is another subject I don’t want to get into either.

Facebook and Laundry
My time on Facebook is usually afternoon and evening so that is what laundry time has become.  We have various reasons why we let the laundry get backed up.  I have got to say, I took a problem and created a solution that has been working very well up to this point.

Race Night and Grocery Shopping
Remember the night I went to the Races to watch family and friends race?  I also went grocery shopping after to save time, mileage and gas.  We were also coming upon extreme heat here in the midwest and I didn’t want to go grocery shopping then if I could help it.  Yes, I pushed myself by overdoing it and have had to pay for it.  But this isn’t about that either.

Why Mt Washmore Grew Again
You want to really know why Mt Washmore began to grow again?  Well, when I came home the night of races and shopping, I unlocked the door to my house, greeted Lily, turned on the light in the porch/laundry room and that is when the light bulb burned out!!  Rats!!  No worries.  I have enough light from the outside light and the kitchen to get the groceries in and put away, I will just wait and change the bulb tomorrow.  That was Thursday night.  Today is Sunday night so I am into the third night of forming the words, “I will just wait until tomorrow.”

Do It Now
That is when the “Light Bulb” turned on and the lesson Flylady tells us “Do It Now!” sounded off in my head!  What did I do? Well, I got up off of my franny went to where I store the light bulbs and got the box.  It had one left in it.  What had I just learned?  Do It Now!  So what did I do?  I carried the box with the last light bulb in to my control journal, opened the tab “Shopping List” and wrote down Light Bulbs in the “Miscellaneous” section.

Remove Your SHE Moment
I then went into the porch/laundry room and assessed the situation.  I needed a small step ladder to change out the bulb.  There to my right was the step ladder.  I thought, “Hmm”.  No silly!  Flylady Fairy did not magically appear and bring me this step stool.  Apparently, I must have done this in the past couple of days and had a SHE moment of being sidetracked.  So, do yourself a favor when you hear yourself saying those words, “I’ll do it later or tomorrow or next week”, replace the phrase with “Do It Now” and start FLYing again!  I don’t know if this will solve your Mt Washmore from growing.  You know yourself what it to “Do It Now” is.  For me it was as simple as changing out a light bulb.

2 thoughts on “Now I Know Why Mt Washmore Is Growing!

  1. I also have a sensetive washing machine and the electrics in my kitchen extension and the washing machine are always fighting like 2 teenage girls.They go through bouts of loving each other and working together just fine but then they just seem to fight constantly.I can go for weeks with my washing machine working just fine and then one day it will trip the fuse box and keep on tripping it. I have had an electrician check the wiring and a washing machine repair man check the machine with no joy so sometimes managing to get my washing done is like swimming through treacle ;(
    I now have a second hand washing machine that I bought and set it up in my shower/splash room(it is raised off the ground:)which is on a different fuse box and so when all else fails I use that.I have a very grubby 10 year old and daily washing is a must 🙂
    Good luck with your MT Washmore 🙂
    Ally Butterfly Mama

  2. Been there, Marilyn! Not with the laundry, but the bathroom. Out goes the light, and I end up taking several showers in the dark. ;P ‘Do It Now’ is definitely the way to go. It takes but a minute and saves so much aggrevation. Thanx for the reminder.

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