Peanut Butter The Other Chocolate

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I never thought I would be writing on the subject of peanut butter.  Chocolate, yes, but Peanut Butter???  The one thing I know about myself is I can find a food and eat it to death.  Then I am done with it for awhile.  I keep thinking that I will get sick of peanut butter and I haven’t.  I know that peanut butter is the main reason for my weight gain.

This is the heaviest I have been in years.  I have had fluctuating weight my entire life and I have a number when I say, enough is enough.  Well I reached that number.  Is that what it is going to take to say No to peanut butter??

I have mentioned my peanut butter love affair to other flybabies.  Most say peanut butter is good for you.  So I kept eating it.  The problem is that Wheat Berry Toast and Butter also included to the mix.  When I first started out,  I would have two slices of it in the morning and it would carry me through the day until making dinner at night.  Not anymore.  I guess I have built up a tolerance for it.  In other words an addiction over it.  Am I going to have to 12 Step my way out of this like people do with Alchoholics Anonomyous?  I was hoping I wouldn’t but now it seems to be the only way out.

The fourth step is taking an inventory.  That is where most answers lay.  I have used peanut butter as comfort food and that includes sugar, salt and fat.  Wow! Just writing that is making me become sane!  No wonder!  Will that be enough for me to not eat peanut butter?  No.  I am going to have to treat peanut butter like alcohol and not have any in the house.  It is the only way.  I have two jars of unopened peanut butter and today I am donating them to the food bank.  That just gave me a feeling of relief.  I didn’t want to have to throw it away.  Someone out there can eat peanut butter for what peanut butter is and that is a food source.  For me it isn’t and I can accept that.

Peanut butter is supposed to have lots of B vitamins and protein too.  I have been stressed lately with my mom being in the hospital and gardening has taken extra time that what I haven’t been doing is making myself balanced meals that are healthy.

My first step is to go to the cupboard and take the two unopened peanut butter jars and put into the donation bag that I will take to town and drop off on the way to visit my mom in the hospital.  I have two other jars that are empty for the most part, but was going to take a spatula and scrape it out.  Those jars have only enabled my addiction.  If it was mustard or ketchup, the containers would have been gone a long time ago!  Today the empty peanut jars are going into the trash!  As for the container that is three-fourths empty, I will throw that out because I want to FLY.  That means I want to “Finally Love Myself”.  I will keep you posted on how I am pulling myself out of this addiction and maybe I will have answers to certain foods that drive you crazy.  It is time for my blankie (blanket) of peanut butter to say good bye.
Keep Flying!

The Two Jars On The Left Are Empty.  The One On The Right Is 3/4 Empty

The Three Jars In The Back Are Being Thrown Out.  The Two In The Front Are Being Donated

Pretty Ridiculous Isn’t This!!!  Kind Of Like Clutter.  Whether it is peanut butter jars or clothes or whatever seems to be can simply be, clutter and removing these things to me is the only way to become lighter from weight and burdens.  So rid yourself of these things and feel lighter and more free so that you may fly in all areas of your life!

5 thoughts on “Peanut Butter The Other Chocolate

  1. You might check with your local free-cycle group. Sometimes people need peanut butter for things that they don’t mind a half-used jar, like micecatching, arts and crafts, etc. It would be nice to not have it wasted. They might also need the empty jars for something. Arts and crafts, storage, something like that.

    Good luck on breaking the addiction!

  2. Lol! I can relate on this matter, Marilyn! When I was laid up from my motorcycle accident, I put on at least 20 pounds. I would venture to guess that at least half of it was from peanut butter! Every morning, I would eat a giant Thomas Whole Wheat bagel with peanut butter. And then, brace yourself for this….: I discovered a dark chocolate peanut butter at Wal Mart! Oh wow! Protein, B vitamins, Omega 3, AND the antioxidant benefits of DARK chocolate!?! Well, of course, I MUST eat this stuff! I would find myself buying multiple jars at a time. And then, often at the grocery store, I would pick up a jar “just in case.” What?!? Just in case I should have fewer than 4 jars of peanut butter? I guess I was preparing for the end of the world or something. Lol! I’m better now, but have not had to kick it cold turkey. I’m able to enjoy and appreciate peanut butter in moderation. Good luck to you, Marilyn!

  3. I haven’t had any peanut butter since I swore off of it! I have had a couple slices of toast with real butter on it. It is so good! I did drop 7lbs and now I am on a plateau. Guess have to give up the toast and butter next. I used to get by with it when younger. Hello periomenopause, huh.

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