Planting Liatris 002blog

Planting Liatris

Posted on Posted in Gardening

We went from cool to hot with humidity. Actually it is the dew point that gets me every time. This time of year I have to stock up on plenty of Propel or G2 because I actually have low sodium in my blood. On top of this, one never realizes how out of shape one is until it comes time to plant gardens.  This is when the gardening 15 minutes at a time comes in handy.

Today I decided I would plant some of the bulbs liatris that I started this spring inside.  I decided to put some in the southeast garden.  I may plant another row so when it comes time for them to bloom it will look full.

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Digging a trough to place Liatris bulbs in.
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Liatris planted on one side
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Continue on other side
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Liatris planted
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More to plant

I am not sure if I am going to plant the rest of them here or not.  It wasn’t the plan.  Time for lunch so I can think about it.

Hoping to get the vegetable garden in by the end of the week.  And so the gardening season has finally begun and I am loving it!

Would love to hear what you are planting this season!  Please let me know by commenting.


11 thoughts on “Planting Liatris

  1. Hi Marilyn,
    Interesting to read what you are doing. I don’t have a green thumb to grow anything and we are in a gated community, so we couldn’t even if we wanted to.

    Have a great evening. Monna

    1. Yes, it is nice to be outside. There were some years I was too sick to do anything and so I value it so much more today. I still need many breaks to get what I do get done but that is just a part of who I am now. Thank You for commenting.

  2. I love gardening too Marilyn…in fact, I’m almost obsessed with it. That’s why I haven’t been on chatting much lately because by the time I get my blog done by about 8am…it’s time to do my dailies as fast as I can and hit the gardens and I work out there about 6 hours every day…I haven’t kept track of all I’ve transplanted and the seed I’ve sown but it’s been a huge amount. Probably over 200 zinnia plants that were started earlier and they’re looking so strong and healthy and a few this and that picked up from the garden center. And then I sow pounds of annual seed because I love to have tons of bouquets for me and to give away all summer…By the end of the day I AM POOPED 🙂 and then it’s time to get supper and do the EVENING dailies :8) But I do love gardening…i’ll be posting pics of my flea market/cottage garden soon on my own blog…I’ll try to remember to send you a link…but here’s a link that will take you to the blog I did the other day on flea market gardening…you’ll have to scroll down 2 or 3 blogs…LOVED ‘your’ gardening blog today…and here’s my link:

    1. Can’t wait to see yours! Yes I am planting lots of annuals as well so I can have a bouquet always in my house. It would be great to give to others as well. I will check out your link. Thank you for commenting.

  3. This week I planted a whole lot of seeds and instead of using large containers as normal, I used individual peat pellets to see if I had more success and placed them in a sunny spot inside.

    I did not factor in the kitten who is trying to become a skilled soccer player. Those peat pellets made wonderful balls for her to kick all over the floor. I lost about half of them. I now see the funny side of it and the cat was not “in the doghouse” for long.

    1. That would have been fun to watch. I used to have two cats. They both lived a long prosperous life and now in kitty heaven. They would have done the same thing! Thank you for commenting

  4. Marilyn,
    I am not planting live seeds in the ground but I am planting seeds for therapists to start sharing and marketing our practices together. And I’m creating some animated videos to introduce people to my online world. Real-live gardening is not my goal but planting seeds in the online etheres, is.


    Dr. Erica

    1. Those seeds are the best kind! I have been planting seeds like that for years. I love to mentor! I have had a wonderful teacher as well. She is also a therapist that has been mine since 1985. She recently retired but I could see her getting involved online. She has also worked for corporations that downsized. Her primary practice has been gesthalt (sp) therapy and I owe much of my success to her. I am just paying it forward.

      I hope to plant seeds with Marilyn’s Way Dance Till You FLY! System that if one can get a handful of daily habits established, doors open. Then one has choices. It is more important to me that they make their own choices. I am just helping along with 9 habits that will get you there.

      I am also trying to help reduce the stress of stay at home moms. They put so much pressure on themselves and don’t really comprehend the value of what they are doing and that is preparing their children with the real world.

      I am hoping to plant seeds online as well. I hope to plant seeds that help others understand the difference. A home is lived in. A house is staged. I am hoping to help others realize there is more to life than a floor plan in a magazine with products from various companies that are showing off their merchandise in hoping we will buy it. Thank you for commenting.

  5. Hi Marilyn ,Good you like to plant and seed ,I like it as well both plant seeds and thought seeds and saving seeds too .
    wish you good luck with all your plants and flowers.

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