Earlier today in my Daily Photo Mini Blog for Marilyns Way To Organization For Home And Garden I announced that I was going to go to Clark to check out the Field House at the Clark High School. I know it is in my best interest to go. The question is why is it so hard to do the first time? As I wrote this sentence and ended it with a quotation mark, the voice in my head is screaming “UNKNOWN!!!!”
Maybe I should check to see what the temperature is. Well, it is 27F which is great for this time of year. If I am going to go it needs to be NOW as it is 7:45pm and the Field House is open until 9:30pm. I could have called today to see if these were the same hours. Last time I called was a year ago and I wrote the times down in my planner.
What’s the worst thing that could happen? It isn’t open. So let’s make this an adventure shall we? I am leaving now and I will report back to you if my fear of unknown is ridiculous or not. I think I already know the answer. Be back in awhile. Going to be light exercise tonight.
I am back! I got there to see that the doors to the Field House were locked. It was open to the school, just not the Field House. I thought, “I told myself this was going to be an adventure so I began to walk the halls of my old high school until I found a janitor. They changed the Field House hours from 5-7pm. I just said, “Last time I called it was open till 9:30pm.” I procrastinated long enough tonight where I arrived at 8pm. Then he said he could come and unlock it if I wanted him to. I said, “That would be great since I came from Garden City.”
The first thing I got on was the treadmill. I told him I would probably be there around 20 minutes as it is my first time to workout on machines in awhile. He went about his business and I went about refreshing myself with the machines I used to use when I was a member of a workout club in Dallas, Tx.
I did work up a sweat and it felt great. Underneath the layer of fat are muscles just waiting to wake up so they can burn the fat around them. I am looking at this as a three month project before yard work and gardening begins again. I am hoping to rid myself of all clutter and maybe just maybe I will have time to continue at the Field House all summer.
Looks like I took the first step and I am not sure what is at the top of the stairs. Then again, maybe I don’t need to. Will I be stiff tomorrow? I don’t know that either. All I know is I followed through and made it to the Field House to work out. I am looking to do it again on Wednesday and within the new hours. I am glad I got the unknown part of this adventure over. It is never as bad at it seems and it wasn’t tonight either.
Until Next Time,