The First Time To The Field House

Posted on Posted in fibromyalgia, Nutrition, Physical, The Flylady Way

Earlier today in my Daily Photo Mini Blog for Marilyns Way To Organization For Home And Garden I announced that I was going to go to Clark to check out the Field House at the Clark High School.  I know it is in my best interest to go.  The question is why is it so hard to do the first time?   As I wrote this sentence and ended it with a quotation mark, the voice in my head is screaming “UNKNOWN!!!!”

Maybe I should check to see what the temperature is.  Well, it is 27F which is great for this time of year.  If I am going to go it needs to be NOW as it is 7:45pm and the Field House is open until 9:30pm.  I could have called today to see if these were the same hours.  Last time I called was a year ago and I wrote the times down in my planner.

What’s the worst thing that could happen?  It isn’t open.  So let’s make this an adventure shall we?  I am leaving now and I will report back to you if my fear of unknown is ridiculous or not.  I think I already know the answer.  Be back in awhile.  Going to be light exercise tonight.

I am back!  I got there to see that the doors to the Field House were locked.  It was open to the school, just not the Field House.  I thought, “I told myself this was going to be an adventure so I began to walk the halls of my old high school until I found a janitor.  They changed the Field House hours from 5-7pm.  I just said, “Last time I called it was open till 9:30pm.”  I procrastinated long enough tonight where I arrived at 8pm.  Then he said he could come and unlock it if I wanted him to.  I said, “That would be great since I came from Garden City.”

The first thing I got on was the treadmill.  I told him I would probably be there around 20 minutes as it is my first time to workout on machines in awhile.  He went about his business and I went about refreshing myself with the machines I used to use when I was a member of a workout club in Dallas, Tx.

I did work up a sweat and it felt great.  Underneath the layer of fat are muscles just waiting to wake up so they can burn the fat around them.  I am looking at this as a three month project before yard work and gardening begins again.  I am hoping to rid myself of all clutter and maybe just maybe I will have time to continue at the Field House all summer.

Looks like I took the first step and I am not sure what is at the top of the stairs.  Then again, maybe I don’t need to.  Will I be stiff tomorrow?  I don’t know that either.  All I know is I followed through and made it to the Field House to work out.  I am looking to do it again on Wednesday and within the new hours.  I am glad I got the unknown part of this adventure over.  It is never as bad at it seems and it wasn’t tonight either.
Until Next Time,

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