The Flylady Way’s Stepping Stones For Week Of 10/24 – 10/30/2011

Posted on Posted in Flying with Fibromyalgia, Gardening, Organization, The Flylady, Walkabout

I wrote a blog on “The Flylady Way’s Stepping Stones So Far.”  This is probably the best explanation that you can get to understand the purpose of Stepping Stones

Weekly Tab
Last week we focused on getting comfortable with our Weekly Home Blessing.  We have a choice to do the seven items all in one day or we can spread them out in the week.  Both ways it gets done.  I also suggested that there be an order in which things were done.  This was based on techniques that to me logically make sense.   Go back to read last week’s for a refresher if you would like.

The thing we do a bit different than Flylady is the amount of time we spend.  At first and it seems I can never get the Weekly Blessing done in under an hour.  So flybabies do not beat yourself up about this.  The amount of time it will take for each is going to be in direct proportion to the size of your home.

The other thing I have been doing different is using the Weekly Home Blessing as part of my Zone Cleaning for now.  Until you get rid of your clutter will you be able to Detail Clean.  The Weekly Home Blessing is the best start to this.

The Rest Of What The Weekly Tab Stands For
 Some of the habits we create are only necessary once a week.  The best way to go about these habits is to designate certain days for certain habits.  Now, I have tried to do these habits in many different orders than what Flylady suggests only to go back to using the days she suggests for each weekly habit.  As Flylady says, it is another way to go into auto pilot thus making it easier for you as you become established.

This Stepping Stone is probably the most difficult to explain and so I decided to describe the “Weekly Habits” as how I have interpreted them by reading “Sink Reflections” by Marla Watson Cilley and Flylady her website.

Before women went into the work force, the internet, Flylady and Facebook, certain days were set for specific habits and it was all based on the work week.  The reason “Mondays” was chosen for laundry day is because this is the day one would have the most energy.  Sunday was spent resting and worshiping the religion of one’s choice.  It always seemed we had Sunday Chicken Dinner too. “Tuesdays” were Ironing Day and “Wednesdays” Mending Day.  Do you see why these are in this order?  Thursdays were going to the market.  Have you ever noticed that many grocery stores have sales on Thursdays and Fridays to get you into the store?  Most of the eating taking place of get togethers and such are the weekend.  “Friday or Saturdays” were cleaning day.

You can choose what days you do these habits.  I will give you the “List of Habits” Flylady suggests.  I am writing them in the order that Flylady also suggests because of the reason I said earlier.

Mondays  –  Weekly Home Blessing
                     Laundry ( This is what I found in sink reflections.  Many have to do a load of laundry a day to keep Mount Washmore at Bay.  I try to do this too but I don’t always have a load of laundry each day.  So if I am not doing a load, I always seem to do a load on Mondays.  It is just how it works out.  Maybe because of the weekend.  )

Tuesdays  –  Plan and Play Day
Now that we have our home blessed and at least one load of laundry done, it is time to plan how you want the rest of your week to go.  This is where many falter.  I have been guilty myself.  You say you don’t have time to plan?  I am saying “Make Time.”  Yes, this is the “Stepping Stone” we will be concentrating on.  Maybe as time goes on, you may find a better day for this so don’t worry so much about the day itself you do this, but one day of the week you commit yourself to start doing some planning.

What I Am Asking You To Do For This Week’s Stepping Stone
I want you to take a sheet of paper and write “PLAN AND PLAY DAY”  It isn’t necessary to designate a specific day for this now.

What I want you to do is:
Think about your week in general.  Is there any special occassions happening this week or the next that you may need to write out a list for them?

Some of you have company coming in the next few weeks.  Have you thought about how you are going to get your home company ready?  Have you labeled your zones of importance?  Kitchen is the Heart of The Home.  This also where you spend the most time.  If you can keep your kitchen clean, so goes the rest of the house.  In order to keep your kitchen clean you have to think about how you use it.  That is why I asked you this question a couple weeks ago.  I found by switching some baking pans to another area of my kitchen, things have started to make better sense for me as I have made meals the past couple of weeks.  So for me, this Planning was time well spent.

Have you considered that some of your daily habits you have put into your routines are part of this?  If you don’t have your daily habits and routines down where they are comfortable, this is the time on Plan and Play Day to think and write about how you could try things differently and then when Plan and Play Day roles around in 7 days, you can make notes of pluses and minuses.  These notes are for you and you only to understand.

How Will Planning Play Out?
By scheduling a bit of “Play” in your week.  Make a list of three things that makes you feel like you are playing.  When I am around young children I just LOVE Tea Parties.  My playing can also be gardening because I enjoy it.  You may have a craft or hobby you like to play around with.  Do this today even for 15 minutes.

This will be your first “Official Week” to practice getting used to the Plan and Play Day!

You have all week to do this.  Once you have it done, I would love for all of you to share your general plans you have decided with the rest of the group.  I have a feeling you all will be surprised and maybe have been planning all along and not validating it.  You must also tell the group ways you like to Play!

(This was also harder to explain than I thought flybabies!  Thank you for taking these “Stepping Stones” with me and remember they are stepping stones that can be moved around so that your walkway will make sense to you – metaphorically speaking)

Keep Flying!

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