There Is A Reason Why We Do A Refrigerator Boogie The Day BEFORE Errand Day!

Posted on Posted in Adult Women ADD, Chaos, Cleaning, Clutter, Dance, Dance Till You FLY, Family, fibromyalgia, FLY, Habits, Home

I knew some time in my lifetime not having the refrigerator all nice and cleaned out and knowing exactly what is in there would happen. I also know it will probably happen again due to circumstances like I had yesterday.  I guess this is when you just have to “Dance Till You FLY!”

My personal weather woman my mom called me yesterday and told me that I had better get to town if I needed any groceries because freezing rain and lots of wind was on it’s way.  Like any good daughter, you listen to your mother! Ha! 

I was already dressed to shoes but one of the things I was going to do is because it was Wednesday, I was going to do a refrigerator boogie.  You see last week it some how slid by and that is going to happen to the best of us.

Do I stay and hurry up and get the refrigerator cleaned out and then get to town or should I just jump in my blazer and go.  I already had the list made out.

The “Do It Now” principle kicked in and it was to get to town and back and just have to clean the fridge when I got home.  

Everyone must have had the same idea because the grocery stores were busy.  Everything took twice as long as it normally does.  Lily and Frederick were happy to see me when I got home and I was bushed!  I hauled in all the perishable items in and put them on the porch.  I knew I was going to have to deal with that refrigerator.  It seemed like the “Monster” to me!  I had to take a break before I would get busy.  I always do as shopping and fibromyalgia don’t get along very well.  I was cranky, hurting and tired.  There was nothing I could do but sit down and rest with a cup of coffee.

I dozed off for about an hour and a half.  All the new fresh food that was to go in the fridge said, “We’re not going in that filthy “Monster Refrigerator!  No way!  We are used to being displayed in the grocery store all nice and pretty and you now want to put us in there?  Forget it!”

See what happens when I overextend myself and it is late? All the stuff I bought with hard earned money was talking to me and we were having a conversation! 

I had to pull myself together.  I was in the middle of War of the new food and the old food that needed to leave.  I hate throwing out food so I normally make a meal without leftovers.  Once in awhile it isn’t possible and that was what was in the “Monster Fridge.”

There was nothing else that I could do but get my timer out and start a sink full of hot soapy water and roll my sleeves up.  How did I do this?  I did this project by doing a double or 2 – 15 minutes and then a single just 15 as a break.

I knew this was either going to be a long night or short night however you looked at it.  It had to be done.

How do I feel today?  Horrible.  I used my tens unit on my back while my breakfast was cooking and then got dressed to shoes.  I don’t have my makeup on at the time of this writing but it will be next on the list.  When the moment strikes to write I have to just do it.  

Today is going to be a nice quiet day.  I plan to rest and maybe write out some ideas I could do with some of the stuff in the house that is left to declutter.  That way I will have the list ready when I need it.  My morning routine is done because I work it in as I get dressed to shoes.

Would I advise anyone to do this Errand Day first and then come home to the “Monster Fridge?”  Never.  The thing is that it does happen.  Last night it happened to me.

I am glad I have my basic routines down and have learned how to be flexible.  That is because I worked hard at first establishing the habits and routines and am proud of it.  Today it is no longer going to be the end of my habits and routines because of this one uncomfortable day and many quit.  Please don’t.  Just continue to “Dance Till You FLY!”

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