They Say There Will Be Days Like This!

Posted on Posted in Chaos, Disorganization, DIY Projects, Gardening, Habits, Routines, The Flylady

I woke up this morning full of promise and hope!  I did my morning routine and some writing. Next was to get on the internet to check notifications.  Well, no internet access.  Did I pay the bill?  What day is it?  If I didn’t it is usually disconnected on a Thursday.  It’s not Thursday is it?  I know I paid the bill.

Suddenly my day felt upside down and I didn’t feel sure of anything.    Oh no, now I have to call the internet company.  I wondered how long that would take as I did have some important things I wanted to get done today.

We tried so many different ways to get it to work.  At one point we got disconnected and I thought I was going to go into a tail spin.  Am I going to have explain ALL of this all over again to someone else?  I told myself to stay calm and just clear my mind for a moment.  The phone rings and it was the internet company apologizing for being cut off AND it was the same technician!  What a relief!

We had to do more things to it with no such luck.  Then I am questioning myself if I was the one that created this mess.  My mind went wild rethinking what types of things I had done the day before. Finally at least an hour later we got my internet back up and running.

Now I am feeling like my day is all mixed up. My mind hasn’t felt this scattered in a long, long time.  I know we always say we can start our day over.  It is just at the time, it is the last thing we are thinking.  But what choice do you really have?

On the top of my list I was going to call an eye doctor so I could get my eyes tested.  They have been very sore and I haven’t gotten any since 2007.  I am so glad I made that call so I was forced to look at my calendar.  I knew this last week but it is strange when things aren’t going as planned one forgets all of that.  I saw on the calendar that I have lab work tomorrow morning.  That means I can’t eat anything after 9pm and I hadn’t had a chance to think of “What’s For Dinner?”  I got that figured out.  I would have chicken and vegetable and salad.  I just need to start earlier than I normally do.

I wanted to use my new spreader for weed and feed I put together.  I got the bag out of the shed and poured some in.  In the meantime, LeRoy the Schwan man stopped by to take my order.  So had to come in the house and take care of that.

Back outside I went with the spreader.  It was so loose and I couldn’t get the locked nuts to tighten.  I won’t tell you the brand I bought.  All I know is next time I am buying one put together if I can’t get this to work.

I put the setting on and it didn’t seem like anything was coming out but I kept going.  Then I got to a spot where I hit a hole and tipped the spreader forward.  Out went a bunch of weed and feed.  The only great thing was it was an area that was mainly weeds.

I was looking under it to see if I had it put together and it seemed to be.  All this time my bangs of my hair kept getting in my eyes.  I was at that point where the tiniest of things were going to bother me and one of them was Lily and her barking.  She can always sense things. After I asked her to stop barking and she didn’t, I decided I was just going to put her back in the house.  While I was at it I was going to call Lisa to see if I could get my hair cut and highlighted.  The bangs had landed in my eyes one too many times.  She had time to cut it but not highlight it.  So I got that set up tomorrow.  

I decided while I was in the house I was going to have a cup of coffee and call Mom to see if she could meet me or I could pick her up so she could help me pick out frames.  She said she could.  That made me feel better as I want to have some help with them.  Hey maybe you all can help me like Flylady did by taking pictures.  I like that idea!

Now back to what I was doing.  Ahh, I was trying to apply weed and feed onto my yard.  Well that isn’t going to happen now because the sun has set.  It sure would have been nice to get this done and have it run smoothly, but it hasn’t.  I still have some weed and feed in the spreader so now I will have to put a black plastic bag over it in case it would rain and try to finish up tomorrow after I get back from town.  Otherwise, Wednesday is supposed to be the nicest day.

I am not that happy that I wasn’t able to finish this project.  Given what I have got going on tomorrow and how scattered and exhausted I feel, the best thing I can say is that there will be days like this.

I am going to get the chicken breasts out and put in my toaster oven. Then I am going to give myself a 15 minute break to clear my mind. After that 15 minutes I will reboot myself and go outside with my flashlight so I can get the shed doors shut and maybe it would be better to put the weed and feed that is in the spreader and into a bag so I can put the spreader in the shed too.  I will just have to mark where I left off.  I guess my mind is already thinking a bit clearer.  Just imagine after my 15 minute break what I can do.  

I suspect that I will realize that the rest of the day will be all about eating and clean up, my before bedtime routine, folding my laundry, putting out a couple of hotspots and having everything set up I am taking on my Launch Pad.  My day did not go as planned and yet I did get the important things that mattered done.  Yes, there are going to be days like the kind I have had.  They are just unavoidable.  This is where attitude comes into play and all we can tell ourselves is “Yes, they say there will be days like this!”
Keep FLYing!

3 thoughts on “They Say There Will Be Days Like This!

  1. Well Mercury is retrograde, that's the planet of communication, so plenty miscommunications, almost over, will go direct next week for smoother sailing!

  2. You did great Marilyn! Next time you work on your project, you will have less to do! You are taking care of your eyes and hair, and that is important too!

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