What are ‘Do Over’ Pass Cards Anyway?

Posted on Posted in Chaos, Clutter, Declutter, fibromyalgia, Flying with Fibromyalgia, Marilyns Way

Today I decided I was going to give out 18 ‘Do Over’ Pass Cards.  One of my members asked, “So what is this for?”

Have you ever had one of those days nothing was going with the flow.  Everything seemed to be jagged edges that would never fit together.  It is daily life that happens when you are busy making other plans.

It happens to all of us.  We have some things planned for the day and somehow we get sidetracked.  About mid day one realizes the things that were planned for that day will never get all done before bedtime.  What happens next?  Frustration, running onself down, giving up altogether.

But wait!  Did you know that you can get a ‘Do Over’ Pass Card to help you turn your day around?  Of course we can!  Many of us are not realistic in all we have planned for the day.  Once you realize this, the next step is to use your ‘Do Over’ Pass Card.  

The easiest explanation is something like problems with your computer.  For some reason it is acting up and you can’t figure out what is going on.  You work at it usually exceeding the amount of time you were going to permit yourself to. Still, it is not running like it should.  What is the next step that we take?  Well, we ‘Reboot’ our computer!  Some may just shut it down for a time period to let the computer rest.  That is what a ‘Do Over’ Pass Card is for us!  Simply go sit down in a comfortable chair with a glass of water and give yourself a 15 minute break.  Maybe during this break you will have an ‘Aha’ moment and I just love it when those show up. 

So why is it that so many do not know the importance of these breaks.  You think to yourself, “I don’t have time to take a break.  I have deadlines.”  Now ask yourself what will 15 minutes do.  It is only 15 minutes.  That is nothing compared to the rest of your day.  

Everyone deserves breaks.  So you are a SAHM.  People in the work force get two 15 minute breaks and an hour for lunch.  Yet we don’t do that.  Instead we get involved with all this unnecessary busyness.  When you do get your ‘aha’ moment of the purpose of a 15 minute break, you will be doing more breaks because in some crazy way in the end you get more done!  There is no more over thinking things.  You simply sit in your chair with a glass of water and your timer and quiet your mind and for these 15 minutes just be.

I didn’t believe this at first but FlyLady has always talked about the importance of breaks.  It is your way of giving yourself ‘permission’ to start again.  I am giving you a ‘Do Over’ Pass Card to use whenever you want.  Take my advice and just be.  Listen to your breathing and get yourself calmed down.  By the end of the 15 minutes 80% of us will know what the next step is.  I want you to be that 80% that does!
Dance Till You FLY! mw

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