Day 4 Of The Greatest Paper Clutter Eliminator Game

Posted on Posted in Flying with Fibromyalgia, Habits, Laundry, Marilyns Way, Organization, Paper Clutter, Routines, The Flylady

Yesterday there was so much action at my house that my head almost feels like it was a dream.  Yesterday I had a new hot water heater installed that involved an electrician and a plumber so it involved communicating with the offices of the two companies and coordinating with the men at my house.

If you have been reading any of my blogs this past month and now in October you will know that I am one tired flysister today.  The night before last, where the new hot water heater was to be installed was a junk corner and just wiping down the baseboards wasn’t going to be enough.  So I got the paint out and painted in that corner.  This in turn kept me up WAY past my bedtime but felt it would be worth it.

I thought yesterday I was tired from only a couple hours of sleep.  Today the tiredness and pain level has increased.  Now, this isn’t my first rodeo to pulling one of these.  I clearly knew what would be involved and now also know how I will work my way back to having some energy by getting some rest.

I really wanted to take my nice long hot shower last night with my new hot water heater but I made the decision to wait until today for fear of falling in my shower because of how tired I was.  Today was a slow go but it is going.  I got into the shower and could instantly feel the difference in the heat of the shower and so I stayed in longer than usual and oh my, I feel like I am in heaven!  Because I stayed in longer than usual without the fear of running out of hot water, I could really feel it getting deeper into my muscles releasing my pain.  So while I was at it, I visualized myself releasing all of this very old paper clutter like it was showering off of me and going down the drain.  I found my muscles releasing too as I meditated on this.

So today, am I going to say heck with working on Paper Clutter?  Heck No!  You see  the type of paper clutter was from way back into the past as far back as 1985.  That is 27 years ago!!  Some was emotional and I gave myself permission to just turn the paper over and shred it without getting even more wrapped up in it and then just quitting.  I have been holding onto this paper clutter that has no value to me today and it has been taking up residency in my home!  No wonder I have had to work very hard with keeping up with the paperwork that continues to come in!

Today’s Paper Clutter Is Really About Yesterday’s Paper Clutter!

Think about that for a moment.  It doesn’t take very long for today’s paper clutter to become yesterday’s paper clutter.  The “Amount” of yesterday’s paper clutter is the source of our frustration that begins to SPILL ALL OVER in different areas of our lives.  This is what I learned yesterday for me.  I was focused on that one box that had paper clutter as old as 1985 in it.  I wanted to get it all shredded but the shredder acted up and had to cool off so I will show you what is left from that neatly packed box that I have not looked into for at least 15 years.  It will be finished today.

My next paper clutter eliminator project will be a large filing cabinet. that I will be going through and I believe one of the drawers will be repurposed.  Many of those things we kept 15+ years ago because technology wasn’t where it is today.  We did save many papers.  Today if you want to know something, all you have to do is “Google It!”

Without further ado, I am going to be busy shredding the rest of that box and then do some 15 minute sessions of pupa.  My laundry is ready to go into the dryer now.

I am also going to make something special to eat for dinner tonight.  Pork loin steak with lots of vegetables on the side.  I need a good solid meal to keep “The Greatest Paper Clutter Eliminator Game” going!  I hope you will join me when you can.  We have worked on a form for you to tally your daily totals whether it is number of pieces or amount of time.  I am still going to record my daily tally on my calendar.  I already record my weight there and after all it is a big calendar.  Yes it is a Flylady Calendar with lots of room to record things.  This is my fourth one and will be ordering another one.

Keep Working on Your Paper Clutter and Keep FLYing!

P.S.  I made an award for “The Greatest Paper Eliminator Game” and I know by looking at that everyday it is going to keep me focused and continue on!

This is what is left of this highly packed box that some of them I never even opened before yesterday! 

This is the result of my efforts.  When I finish with the box, both bags will go into the trash and I will feel that much lighter! 

Here is my “Control Center.”  The computer is to the left and is not my central focus which is helping me to stay on task. 

This is the Award I made for all of us that are participating in this game.  For me by making this award even if it is for myself, I feel it will re-enforce my commitment to October’s Monthly Habit  Paper Clutter.

One thought on “Day 4 Of The Greatest Paper Clutter Eliminator Game

  1. I am doin the same thing and its nice to get rid of all that paper. I have a bad habbit of printing stuff and next thing I know, the paper is everywhere. I stopped buying ink so that has put a stop to a lot of the paper. If I ever buy ink anymore, the only things I will print off are my checklists and kids practice worksheets.

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