Feeling Overwhelmed? I Have The Answer!

Posted on Posted in Adult Women ADD, Chaos, Cleaning, Clutter, Dance, Dance Till You FLY, Family, fibromyalgia, FLY, Habits, Home

Ever feel this way?  You start something and then something happens and you want to throw you hands up in the air.  Currently my mom is working on a puzzle.  I have helped her some when I stayed two days with her over the New Year’s Eve.  As I walked by the puzzle I would stop and go back and see if I could find some pieces to help her out.  Sometimes I would see a couple and they slip right in.  Then other times I would actually sit down for about five minutes and find nothing.

Did you notice in this cute picture that in the lower left corner there are still some pieces that are placed together.  It forms the border.  Think of this as FLYing.  Can you see it?  Are you sure?

What that border that this kitty has left alone is what we call our basics!  (I am laughing and imagining this as Megan Marie Love’s cat named Ketchup that is saying this to her!)  I have known Megan Marie Love since the beginning of getting involved with Flylady on facebook.  I know Megan would look at this and say to herself, “At least Ketchup left me with the basics.”  

The border is the basics.  All those other puzzle pieces are the Zone work and missions and learning to develop Weekly Habits for specific days.  It is all there.  Just as we can’t sit down and put a puzzle together instantly, why then are we so hard on ourselves when we are working on turning our house into a home and just keeping the pieces we love?  Please give this some thought.  If you First Love Yourself you will.  Then you can love that silly cat that interrupted your routines.  That is what this cat has done.  Think of it as family members, illness, death, loss of job and all those incidentals that can come into play each and every day!

Flylady announced that she is starting a “Back To Basics Missions.”  Isn’t the blog that I wrote a long time ago and is the second most popular blog I have written in Marilyn’s Way called “Where Do I Start?” basically the same?  How many of you have actually read it?  I could put the link in here to make it easy for you to find but I am not.  I ask you to click on Marilyn’s Way instead and look to the upper right hand corner where it says “Ten Most Popular Posts.”  Sometimes I try to help you and maybe I really am not because I am making it too easy for you.  This time I want you to look for it like looking for a puzzle piece to fit somewhere in your puzzle of FLYing.

Flylady website has a “Wealth” of information.  She is a business.  If you notice sometimes you have to look for the puzzle piece that you need for your current situation and it is all there in the website.  You just have to go looking for it.

Marilyn’s Way Closed Group is a place I created for many of you that want to FLY in private away from your family, friends and employers.  That is what it’s purpose is.  During the 2+ years of having this group, I am FLYing right along with you and from my life experiences I have showed you some other ways that I found works for me and am gladly sharing them to you.

I am curious as to how Flylady’s “Back To Basic Missions” compares to my “Where Do I Start” blog I wrote so long ago.  To think you have this available to you all the time by simply going to Marilyn’s Way Blog where there are 200+ blogs that I have written on the subject of FLYing.  There must be at least one that speaks to you.

Finally you may wonder, why is Marilyn writing this blog in her new one Dance Till You FLY?  Because Dance Till You FLY! is Marilyn’s Way to basics.  I have an OPEN PAGE Dance Till You FLY.  What is this page about?  It is about the bare basics to FLYing with LOTS of MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES to get you INSPIRED!  It is also the name of my book I am writing to be released in 2013.  Make it your Favorite Page by bookmarking it in Facebook.  Look up how to make a page your favorite in the help section of Facebook.  Yesterday, I gave that information to you in the closed Marilyn’s Way groups.  It should be easy to find.  Sometimes though in order to value things more, one must have to work at it.  There is no “Magic Pill.”  There are Stepping Stones that you develop some habits on before you move on to the next Stepping Stone.

I found a new puzzle piece to mine.  It is Jane Fonda Prime Time am/pm Yoga for Beginners.  One of them that takes 20 minutes is for energy.  I use this one most days and when I do it makes such a difference in my FLYing.  So look for those puzzle pieces that are going to fit into your basics of FLYing.  It just may be the piece you were looking for!
Dance Till You FLY!

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