I’ve Got It! The Paper Clutter Eliminator Game!

Posted on Posted in Flying with Fibromyalgia, Marilyns Way, Organization, Paper Clutter, The Flylady

I’ve got it!  The Paper Clutter Eliminator Game For The Month Of October!  I don’t know why I didn’t thing of this before!  Flylady believes the very first habit to develop is Shining Your Sink!  Remember how she told us to take out all of our dirty dishes if we had them in the sink and set them aside?  Then she gave instructions on how to shine your sink!

Now for me to really get this habit down I had to put a sticker on my calendar every day in order to get this habit to stick!

This is what I want you to do! Gather all of your paper work that is visible like dirty dishes can be.  Get yourself a couple of boxes to put this paper clutter in and place aside.

Now we are going to work on shining our sink called “Our Desk or Working Area.”  Do you have all the supplies needed to shine your desk?  If not, “Do It Now!”  Get your basic desk items before you.  You know Pen, pencil etc.

Start with with your newest mail and begin with that.  Most of it you open will end up in the Action File.  Write on your calendar the dollar amount and date due then file in Action File.  As the month progresses start making a file for your things that need to be filed.  I used Post It note and placed on hanging folder.  I am still in the work in progress stage so I cannot give you the end result.  That’s because I am working on this just as you are.

This blog is not about the details as I don’t have time to focus on that right now.  There are other things like it is Monday and I  have my Weekly Home Blessing Day to get started.  I did however want to write this up so we can get this game going!

Your goal is to handle at least one piece of paper clutter whether it is trash, file, action and then make a check mark each day on your calendar.  Now, if you work with more than one piece of paper clutter that you are letting go of, write the number of pieces in the corner of your calendar day page.  Some of you that take on this challenge or game will have high numbers.  Estimate it.  Some of us will have less simply like myself this is not my first rodeo when it comes to Paper Clutter Month.  My numbers will be lower.

What Is The Purpose Of This Game?
To get used to the idea of always knowing where a pen is and where your calendar is.  Calendars are meant to be all marked up so start today at writing down the number of pieces of paper clutter you released and MARK the number down on your calendar!  The old paper clutter will be easy.  It is the current paper clutter that we want to get into the habit daily of dealing with it just like shining our sinks and soon the paper clutter will dwindle and CHAOS won’t have that power hanging over your head!

I will try my best and maybe might need a helper with this.  What I want to do is during the month of October I want the question “How many pieces of paper clutter did you get rid of today?” and I want all of you to write your number down even if it is 0 because there is no judging in the group.

I would really like this to be successful!  I have dealt with Paper Clutter my entire life given the profession I was in before I went on disability and now that I am in that stage I deal with so much paperwork from Medicare and insurance and it gets so overwhelming at times.  Now I am trying out a different system in the works for me that I feel by the end of this month, there is going to be less paper clutter in my house!  What about yours?

Paper Clutter Month, Here We Come!

6 thoughts on “I’ve Got It! The Paper Clutter Eliminator Game!

  1. This is such a great idea! So simple, yet it looks as if it should be very effective. I start tomorrow afternoon. (You'll probably hear DH all the way across the Atlantic laughing at the idea of me actually decluttering paper!)

  2. I have tried so many ways with this thing called paper clutter and I am beginning to realize it probably is best to get into the habit of getting rid of some kind of paper clutter each and everyday. It is so much like dishes and laundry. It sneaks up on you. That sounds funny the comment you said about your DH. Good Luck with this. I am saying it to myself as well! lol

  3. Think paper clutter is my biggest problem – am going to work on it this month along with the rest of you. " consistency will conquer"

  4. I have been shredding paper for the last three days and I've already filled up a 30 gallon trash bag of shredded paper! I even tossed about 15 magazines and catalogs! My desk is clean and organized and papers aren't overflowing the coffee tables! Feels nice!

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