The Flylady Way – BabyStep Pledge Body Clutter Release Contract #5

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The Flylady Way – BabyStep Pledge Body Clutter Release Contract #5

5. I commit to balance in all things. I will not allow myself to become overwhelmed and then crash and burn.

That second sentence has sure gotten me in lots of trouble in every part of my life. Blame it on perfectionism and procrastination. The two are not very neighborly. When we fall out of balance it becomes a ripple effect. I am not sure which comes first on this, the perfectionism or the procrastination. It is something like the chicken or the egg.

Look at how we treat our bathroom scale.  It is a love or hate relationship.  Isn’t this outcome derived from perfectionism and procrastination?  Doesn’t that lead us into becoming overwhelmed and then we crash and burn?

I have got my habits and routines established by getting dressed to shoes for 60 days in a row.  I know now adjustments will happen along the way.  One of the adjustments is adding another habit.  That habit is “Moving in May”.

So how am I going to commit to balance in all things?  I am going to commit  to 15 minutes of loving movement every day.  I am going to break it up in 2 x 7 minute sessions if need be.  I am going to put 15 minutes of thought into the food I eat. That can be broke into 3 x 5 minutes of thought.  I won’t forget my intake of water.  These are three things.

So let’s commit to the three things.  That’s right only three!  If you pick up a magazine that promises you to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, it is almost certain you will become overwhelmed when the pounds aren’t dropping like the diet says and surely you will crash and burn.

Body Clutter can be looked at as household clutter.  We have to declutter 15 minutes a day with our home.  At first it feels overwhelming.  So many say where do I start?  Flylady says, “By Shining Your Sink.”    I want to keep flying and in order for me to look at my body clutter I am going have to commit to balance in all things.  How do we do it?  Babysteps!  You know it works in Flylady so why not approach your body clutter the same way?
Keep Flying!

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