I want to write about the difficulties of getting to sleep on time. It is a personal problem for me that I continue to struggle with. Like anything else when I am ready to deal with it I will. So maybe I will write up all the reasons I can’t seem to get to bed on time. I am pretty sure I know where it is going but maybe if I write out all of my crazy excuses for this, I may just find the diamond. May be this is going to have to be another 12 step plan.
My day gets started too late.
All this comes to planning I know it. Like right now, it is 3:30pm What should be taking place.
How much time is spent on the computer?
Most of the time I am usually too tired to go through the motions of getting ready for bed.
I started a project that I can’t put away in an hour.
It is usually our inner kid that doesn’t want to go to bed.
I know the doctor said wind down time begins at one hour before lights are out. 11:45 for me
Everything I do has an association with something.
What about starting the before bedtime routine at 10:45. RIght now, I want to take a break. Why? to have a cigarette not really that just a break