Why Do I Have To Put The Groceries Away?

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Why do I have to put the groceries away?

I took each item from my list off the shelf, put it in my cart to take it out again and set it on checkout belt.

Then I paid for the groceries and took the bags to put back into my cart so I could push the cart out to my vehicle to unload the bags from the cart and into my vehicle. Now I am home.  Guess what?

I am going to have to unload the bags of groceries from my vehicle and into my home.  Still I am not done yet.  I will have to take the items out of the bag and place them into the refrigerator or a cupboard.

So why do I have to put the groceries away?  Because in one of those bags there is CHOCOLATE!

Whyput groceries away 001
Why do I have to put the groceries away?

Next time you buy groceries, buy yourself some chocolate so when you get home and ask the question, ‘Why do I have to put the groceries away?’ you will have a great answer.  ‘Because one of them bags has CHOCOLATE in it!’

It worked for me!  What works for you?  I would love to hear!


8 thoughts on “Why Do I Have To Put The Groceries Away?

  1. Over the past 10+ years I have developed a system that works for me. When I arrive home from shopping, I quickly bring in the fridge & freezer items first. I also bring in the bag(s) of anything highly perishable that could be impacted by hot temperatures like fruit & chocolate. All of those get put away immediately. The rest of the bags can wait if I am exhausted from the shopping excursion. The KEY comes from a few easy steps as I start my grocery trip. I simply sort items as I place them in my grocery cart. As I load them onto cashier belt, the items get bagged with like items. FIRST on belt: Sort into Fridge items. freezer items. meats. produce. (should be the last items you put in cart & at top in your cart if time in store will exceed 20 minutes), also chocolate/gum & other things you want bought in first. Last on belt: sort into pantry items, paper products, health & beauty products, office supplies, cleaning supplies etc. When you pay and head to car, your cold stuff is at bottom of cart! As you unload into car put top bags in car first. This should be Non perishables- pantry/paper etc items that can be brought in last or much later. I always put those in my trunk. I put the cold bags inside my car or front part of my trunk for quick & easy unloading. All that MUST be unloaded and put away immediately is the fridge/freezer items. It really is a simple process. Try it out on your next shopping trip.

    Note: When my sons were in junior high & high school, they & any of their friends visiting handled putting away all the groceries for me. If they were at practice, school, or work when I returned, they unloaded & put away the non perishables when they came home. Junior and senior high school years, they started doing some of the family grocery shopping. With the guys 5 hours away at college, my grocery trips are less frequent and require much fewer items, but I still use the same technique of sorting perishable & non-p items when I shop. Hope this helps someone else! (Fibro since 8/1999; diagnosed 2/2002)

    1. Excellent tips! You I never realized it but I do sort my things as I put them on the belt. I do keep all the perishable together. You have some other tips though I will try.

      Having Fibromyalgia since 1989 it has been challenging. It seems everything takes longer than it used to. Today though I am thinking about the things I do on a daily basis and that is how I came up with Marilyn’s Way Dance Till You FLY! System featuring nine habit that help eliminate clutter and CHAOS and yet helps you to continue to stay focused on the important things like yourself your family and your home. Re inventing myself was the key to help all of this evolve. It is difficult when one has a disability. I just don’t want it to define me. That said I have learned some creative ways to get the important things done. I will use your tips next time I go to the grocery store. Thank you for commenting.

  2. LOVE it! One question…How did you determine if your particular palette was safe for growing food? I know (have been told) many palettes are treated with nasty chemicals 🙁

    1. I hope I am safe. Seed corn came on the pallet. I have heard that some do have nasty chemicals. The wood is in really good shape and I have a nose for chemicals so it is a great question and I don’t know how one would go about finding out. I guess since seed corn was on the pallet it is safe. Thank you for commenting.

      1. Oh I bet you’re right! I think I’ve seen blog posts pinned on Pinterest about the different markings on palettes and what that means with regard to the palette’s safety. I’ll have to see if I can find it again 🙂

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